Pool Deck Leveling in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island & Surrounding NYC Areas

Before photo of sinking concrete pool deck Sinking pool deck repaired with PolyLevel® concrete lifting

Lifting a sunken pool deck. Injecting polyurethane foam beneath a settled pool deck can raise the concrete to its proper level and strengthen the surrounding soil so the slab won't settle again.

Stabilize & lift your concrete pool deck with our innovative PolyLevel® System

Quality 1st Basement Systems' innovative polyurethane concrete leveling technique can lift and stabilize your pool deck faster than concrete replacement and for a fraction of the cost. PolyLevel® uses high-density polyurethane foam to safely and effectively raise your sinking pool deck.

Has the concrete surrounding your pool dipped or settled, creating a hazardous uneven surface? Is there a protruding concrete edge where one section of the slab has settled below another? We offer expert concrete repair services in New York City, Brooklyn, Bronx and surrounding areas.

Call us at 1-347-746-1977 or click below to request your pool deck inspection today. We will provide you with a free estimate for pool deck lifting and repair. 

Signs of pool deck settlement

The typical symptoms of pool deck settlement include:

  • Cracks

    Cracks in your pool deck can be an early indication of problems below the slab.

  • Trip hazards

    Trip hazards usually occur at the joints between the concrete slabs. When the slab starts to lift, this causes an uneven surface which can pose a safety hazard.

  • Excessive slope

    While concrete pool decks are usually installed with a slight slope, if you notice that your pool deck is sloping more than it should, the pool deck is likely starting to settle.

Causes of pool deck settlement

Concrete pool decks are prone to settling because of the pool construction process. The backfill soil that’s added around the pool typically isn't compacted and the loose soil will settle over time. As the loose soil settles, voids can form under the pool deck and the soil stops supporting the heavy slab, causing sections of the concrete to sink or settle. 

Fast, affordable pool deck leveling with polyurethane foam

Mudjacking (or slabjacking) and concrete replacement are common concrete repair methods used by some contractors. With these techniques, there can be damage done to your yard and the pool remains unusable until the new concrete has hardened and cured. PolyLevel® eliminates the problems associated with these other concrete repair options. 

PolyLevel® is a high-density expanding foam that our technicians can use to raise settled concrete. The two-part polyurethane foam mixture is injected through small holes drilled in the settled concrete. Our installers are trained to control the injection process so that just enough foam is used to re-level the concrete deck. Because the foam’s expanding action fills voids in loose soil, this repair technique improves the soil’s stability and load-bearing characteristics. With our polyurethane concrete leveling process, you can feel confident that your concrete slab won't settle in the future.

Get a free estimate for your pool deck repair project

Call the experts at Quality 1st Basement Systems today to schedule a free pool deck inspection and repair estimate. We can also use PolyLevel® to repair sunken, settled concrete patios, driveways and other concrete leveling jobs in Manhattan, Staten Island, Flushing, Astoria, Queens, Elmhurst, Ridgewood.

Looking for a price? Get a no cost, no obligation free estimate.
